Fire Protecton Services
We offer a complete line of fire protection services for business. Fire Extinguishers are your first line of defense, we sell, service & inspect them.

Our Solutions
Prevention & Preparedness are your keys to preventing fire. We provide both. We have an array of services, products & knowledge to equip your company in the event of a fire.
Our Vision
Over 25 Years Ago John Asta & Mike Powell established a fire extinguisher service company that would keep their clients safe, properly protected and current with all NFPA and local codes.

Our Team
All the members of the John Asta and Co crew are trained to the highest NFPA standards to afford our clients the most up-to-date codes to help you with compliance and keep you properly protected.
Complete Fire Extinguisher Services

We Offer A Complete Array of Services
- New Fire Extinguishers of all sizes and types
- NFPA Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspection
- Fire Extinguishers Recharging
- Fire Extinguisher Code Work
- Fill Co2 tanks
- NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Emergency Lighting
- Emergency Light Batteries and Bulbs
- Sprinkler Inspections, Installation and Repair
- Alarm Inspection, Installation
- Safety Equipment
- Fire Extinguisher Sales & Inpections 98%
- Fire Extinguisher Use & Emergency Prepardness Training 70%
- Fire Suppression Systems, Sprinkler Inspection & Installations 60%
- Fire Alarm Inspection, Installation 54%

PaFED was founded in 1988 by several fire extinguisher companies who saw the need for an organization that promoted training and professionalism in their industry. Since then PaFED has been in the forefront of certification and education in the ever changing regulation environment. John Asta and Company is a proud member since 1990.

As a part of our vision we maintain the standards of NFPA. Established in 1896 the National Fire Protection Association has become the authority on fire, electrical, and building safety. Its mission is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes, standards, research, training, and education.
Fire Extinguisher Use & Emergency Prepardness Training
John Asta & Company provides employee training in fire extinguisher use and evacuation procedures that are specific to your company’s needs. For more information Contact Us .
John Asta & Company Fire Extinguisher Services
John Asta and Mike Powell established this company over Thirty Years ago. Our desire was to create a fire extinguisher service company built on the principles of mutual respect and integrity. We decided this company would provide the very best in fire extinguisher service.
Our Motto is “We Keep You Protected”